If your school is outside the Greater New York area, you can still have a visit from Mr. Angelo and Flip! All you need is Skype capability and a smartboard.
Flip and I recently visited Mrs. Sailer's first grade class in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Here is the result:
Dear Angelo,
I would like to express my most heartfelt thank-you for the time and activities that you did with my class today. This definitely is one of the coolest things that I have ever done in my many years of teaching. I don't know whether you noticed or not, but my kids were jumping out of their chairs with excitement. Who knew they could be engaged looking at a face on a screen for that long? This is your new career extension!
Susan Sailer
To arrange a Skype visit, contact me at flipandmuzz@rcn.com or call 212-777-7089.
Flip and I look forward to meeting you!